On this site, you will be provided the pieces of information about your online security on our website. We follow many precautions to ensure your privacy and data are not misused in any way. At Kayhan Audio, we treat our customers how we would like to be treated, which is why customer service and security are of utmost importance to us.

1. SSL Encryption
SSL Encryption is the technology for securing your internet connection and preventing hackers from accessing your personal and financial data while making transactions on the website. You can easily recognize SSL encryption by looking at the website URL. If it starts with “https” instead of “http,” it is a secure website where you can safely shop.
We have updated our website’s SSL security to ensure the safety of your information. Therefore, your personal information will be secured against potential risks.
If you wonder about credit card information, let’s move to the next part.
2. Credit Card Information
We do not store any customer credit card information on our website. Instead, we use the secure PayPal payment gateway to protect your payment-related data. You can verify the legitimacy of this content on the checkout page.
About data storage, we will discuss further in the following part.
3. Data Storage

We save some visitor information, such as name, date of birth, and address (you can learn details on the Privacy Policy page). This information is kept strictly secret on our server and is only used to deliver more appropriate items for you and enhance the quality of our present services.
Furthermore, it will allow us to provide you with rapid access to all of your information the next time you place an order with us. We offer this information openly so that you may understand and feel safe while visiting our website.
Following the information about data storage, we will move on to the next part about data sharing.
4. Data Sharing
We do not share or sell any stored data with unauthorised third parties, except cloud providers, contractors, and relevant third parties in or outside Australia. If it is necessary to provide information, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that any overseas recipients process that personal information in the same way as we have done.
Let’s learn more about cookies in the following part.
5. About Cookies
We use cookies to enhance your shopping experience on our website. We collect data only to improve our website and make your shopping experience better. Cookies also help us to find any flaws in our website like you are not able to make a payment; the page needs to be redirected and more.
To get more secure shopping, discover the password-setting instructions below.
6. Set a strong password for your account
For better security of your account, we let you set a strong password that includes the following elements:
- Characters.
- Uppercase and lowercase letters.
- Number.
We recommend you set a unique password for our website that you don’t need to use anywhere else to protect your account.